Democrat 2020 Candidates Pounce on Trump ‘Go Back’ Tweet: ‘Un-American’

President Donald Trump taunted the Democrats’ so-called “Squad” — the four far-left first-term representatives — on Sunday morning, telling them to go back and fix the places they came from before telling the rest of the country what to do.

Trump’s remarks seemed primarily directed at Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), who is from Somalia. On Friday, Omar said the president “shouldn’t be in office,” responding to his similar criticism of her, after questions from reporters.
Earlier this month, Omar told an audience of high school students that the U.S. was failing to keep its promise to be a just society.

Of the other three members, one, Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), is a first-generation American whose parents immigrated from the West Bank, in an area administered by the Palestinian Authority. She represents a district that includes part of Detroit.
Source: Breitbart