New DOJ Report: 60,000 criminal illegal aliens are in federal custody at a staggering cost

In an exclusive report on the The Ingraham Angle last evening (Fox News 10 P.M. E.T.), U.S. attorney Zachary Terwilliger broke major news about the DOJ's brand new report on the number and costs of the incarceration of illegal aliens in federal custody. The segment, and the comments by Terwilliger, the U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, and Ingraham further expose the Left's persistent lie that illegals in the U.S. commit additional crimes at a lower rate than U.S.-born citizens.

A brief article posted at Fox News dot com, immediately following Ingraham's program Tuesday, summarized the segment:

Nearly 60,000 known or suspected illegal immigrants [sic] are being held in federal prisons, according to a report obtained by Fox News Tuesday from the Department of Justice.

Quoting the report, he said "criminal aliens" make up 21 percent of those in the Federal Bureau of Prisons custody and 38 percent of those in Marshals custody.

Terwilliger lamented that a "staggering" amount of resources are being diverted to fighting illegal immigration at the expense other problems like a rising opioid epidemic and rising crime rates in certain areas.