NYU professor wants to know when the ‘memory of 9/11’ became ‘sacred,’ calls Rep. Dan Crenshaw ‘lieutenant commander s**thead’

An NYU professor is under fire after taking to Twitter to question the memory of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

The professor, Talia Lavin, who teaches journalism at the university, also took aim at Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas) in profane tweets.

According to her university bio, Lavin teaches a class titled "Reporting on the Far-Right" and focuses on "far-right extremism and social justice."

What are the details?

In a Saturday tweet, Lavin wrote, "[W]hen did the memory of 9/11 become 'sacred'? [I]n what way? [A]nd to whom?"

"[I] meant this as a genuine question," she continued. "[I]t was indisputably tragic, world-changing, evil and despicable, and a turning point of history. [B]ut 'sacred' is a particular word with its own religious meanings, and [I] wanted to pinpoint what it means to call such a day 'sacred' specifically."
Source: The Blaze
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