Watch: Antifa says MAGA Hats = Swastikas

Independent filmmaker Michael Hansen has a new documentary out titled Killing Free Speech. In addition to highlighting illiberal values in Islam, the feature examines the rise of the violent extremist “Antifa” movement in the U.S., and support for it from top Democrats.

The first part of the documentary, which can be watched in full below, features an interview with a masked member of Antifa who defends violent assaults against Trump supporters, comparing MAGA hats to Nazi swastikas. The interview can be found at 24:37 of the video below.

The documentary also highlights support for the violent extremist “movement” in the upper echelons of the Democrat party. In particular, it draws attention to Keith Ellison’s tweet that a pro-Antifa book “strike[s] fear into the heart of Donald Trump,” a comment Ellison made when he was still Deputy Chairman of the DNC.
Source: Breitbart
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