Cry Me a River

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The recent partial federal government shutdown has the liberal media predictably helping Congressional Democrats control the narrative and thus influencing public opinion to force President Trump to abandon his demand for $5.7 billion for border security that includes a wall along the southern U.S. border. Is anybody surprised by the liberal media’s behavior?

Recent news reports by CNN, the New York Times, the Washington Post and others include exploitative sob stories about non-essential federal employees who are not being paid while the debate between the White House and Congress rages on. 

This brings to mind the self-interest of government employees. Their plight is to play on the emotions of the private sector reader or viewer. They won’t find too much sympathy there. The private sector worker knows all too well about losing their job or being laid off due to companies going out of business, moving operations overseas for economic reasons, or when the economy slows down. Where is their relief? Who in the government sector gives a damn about the private sector worker at their times of adversity? Where was the cheerleading media when President Obama’s failed economic policies led to rising unemployment claims, record food stamp applications and home foreclosures due to a slumping private sector economy? How many federal employees lost their jobs or were laid off during the recession of 2007? None.
Source: Town Hall
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