Nolte: Elizabeth Warren Is Still Lying About Her Indian Heritage

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Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and the establishment media are hoping to gaslight the American people into believing she has put her Cherokee scandal behind her with an “apology.”

But if you look past the smoke, the mirrors, the parsing and hair-splitting, Warren is still lying about her Indian heritage, still standing by her false claim to Native ancestry.

“I am also sorry for not being more mindful of this decades ago,” Warren told reporters this week. “Tribes and only tribes determine tribal citizenship.” 

“This is what I grew up believing with my brothers, this is my family story,” she added.

On Tuesday, the far-left Washington Post published a desperate puff piece to save Warren’s flailing presidential campaign (and deliberately buried the most damaging news): “Elizabeth Warren apologizes for calling herself Native American,” the headline reads, but the headline is not true. Here is what she told the Post…

“I can’t go back,” Warren said. “But I am sorry for furthering confusion on tribal sovereignty and tribal citizenship and the harm that resulted.”
Source: Breitbart
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