Pelosi Wishes 'Happy Thanksgiving'--On Valentine's Day

What is wrong with Nancy Pelosi?

The House Speaker held a public bill signing on Thursday, and during her remarks, she wished reporters a “Happy Thanksgiving.”

It was Valentine’s Day. She was a mere 84 days late.

The woman second in line to the presidency didn’t correct herself.

Earlier in the day, the House Speaker gave her weekly brief press conference, she could be seen suffering brain freezes, confusing millions and billions, and at one point, caught herself holding up only five fingers while talking about six bills.

After suffering an early brain freeze while talking about her colleagues being in North Carolina for a funeral, Pelosi struggled to explain the committees that have already begun their work.

“We’ve already had a committee, uh, uh, uh, committees, the, uh— Ways and Means Committee and the Oversight Committee— Government Reform and Oversight Committee,” she struggled to say.

Pelosi continued to struggle while discussing the committees, before suffering a brain freeze mid-sentence, causing her to stop and stare at reporters while groping for words, and blurting out “advocating for”.