QUOTE OF THE DAY: Anthony Fauci Corrects the Narrative

Infectious disease expert Anthony Fauci acknowledged in an interview that aired Sunday the “deleterious collateral consequences” of COVID-19 lockdowns on students, but said he “had nothing to do with” keeping schools closed.


Speaking to ABC News chief Washington correspondent Jonathan Karl, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director dismissed critics who portrayed him as a staunch advocate of keeping kids out of schools.

“If you go back, and I ask anybody to go back over the number of times that I’ve said we’ve got to do everything we can to keep the schools open, no one plays that clip. They always say ‘Fauci was responsible for closing schools.’ I had nothing to do [with it]. I mean, let’s get down to the facts,” Fauci said.


Fauci’s critics were quick to pull the footage of him calling for school closures.