QUOTE OF THE DAY: Biden’s Former Press Secretary Throws Him Under the Bus

If President Biden’s job performance is on the ballot in the upcoming midterm elections, Democrats will not fare well, former White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Sunday during an appearance on “Meet the Press.”


Psaki, who left the White House in May and landed at MSNBC as a host and commentator, told NBC host Chuck Todd she likes the Democrats’ chances “if the election is about who is the most extreme.”

  • However, according to Psaki, “If it is a referendum on the president, they will lose.”
  • She noted Democrats’ vulnerabilities on the economy — with inflation still high and the stock market tumbling — as well as on crime.
  • “I think Democrats had a very terrible week last week, when you think about the inflation numbers in the previous week, and now the stock market being at the low point of 2022,” Psaki said. “So I think this is an economic election. But crime as an issue has risen, and it’s risen for very legitimate reasons, which is that crime is up in a lot of cities and people are concerned about it.”