QUOTE OF THE DAY: There’s No Way Lax Crime Policies Have Anything To Do With Rising Crime

MSNBC host Tiffany Cross dismissed outright the idea that Democratic policies are at all to blame for America’s skyrocketing crime problem.


In Saturday’s edition of “The Cross Connection,” Cross — who is among the most strident of MSNBC’s liberal on-air personalities — panned an ad criticizing Mandela Barnes, Wisconsin’s Democratic senatorial candidate, over his support for progressive criminal justice reform policies, which include ending cash bail and cutting the prison population in half.

She characterized the television spot as a “bullhorn racist attack ad,” before conceding, “quite honestly there has been a spike in homicides.”

  • “That has nothing to do with Democratic polices of course and certainly Mandela Barnes is not responsible for any such thing,” Cross added.

There is at least some evidence linking bail reform to increased criminal reoffending.