The Corporate Executives Elizabeth Warren Likes

Sen. Elizabeth Warren's (D., Mass.) second quarter campaign disclosure reveals maximum donations from the same corporate elite she has pledged to combat as president.

Warren has long opposed money in politics, complaining of a system that "lets a handful of billionaires shape who gets into Congress" in a 2016 speech. Warren began her campaign by pledging to avoid "wooing wealthy donors," banning big-money fundraisers, and ‘call time’ with prospective affluent donors in the process. Her campaign, however, has cashed checks from numerous megadonors and billionaires.

Warren received $2,800 from Jeffrey Katzenberg, noted liberal donor and former DreamWorks CEO, as well as $2,800 from his wife. Katzenberg previously acted as Obama's top bundler, funneling more than $6.6 million to the former president between 2008 and 2012. His guaranteed access to the Obama administration generated controversy—the Securities and Exchange Commission investigated DreamWorks in 2012 for alleged bribes to Chinese officials under Katzenberg.

Other notable Hollywood donors include actors Amy Schumer, Scarlett Johansson, and Ryan Reynolds. Schumer and Johansson gave the election cycle maximum of $2,800, while Reynolds gave $2,000. Schumer gave an additional $2,800 for the general election. Warner Bros. producer and Lost co-creator Damon Lindelof also gave Warren $2,800, as did Anchorman and Step Brothers director Adam McKay.