We Knew the Latest Inflation Numbers Were Going to Be Bad. But Not This Bad.

Consumer prices rose 8.5% in the year through March, reaching the fastest inflation rate in 41 years.


Surging prices are causing hardship for a growing majority of Americans.


The latest increase in the consumer price index outdid the 8.4% economists predicted, according to various estimates.

  • Inflation rose 1.2% in March compared to February, above economists expectations of 1.1%.
  • Food, fuel and shelter costs were the biggest reasons inflation was faster than in any year since 1981.
  • Gasoline prices jumped 18.3% from February to March — as the Russia-Ukraine war disrupted global energy markets — accounting for over half the rise in monthly headline inflation.

Leaving aside fuel and food, prices climbed 6.5% in the year through March.

  • The 0.3% increase in so-called core prices from February to March was less than the 0.5% economists feared.
  • Prices for used cars and trucks fell 3.8% in March.


President Biden’s White House on Monday tried to preemptively spin the dire inflation numbers as “Putin’s price hike,” pointing to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

  • But as commentators noted, the inflation surge began last May, and the Ukraine war started this February.

Meanwhile, 83% of voters say they are experiencing hardship due to increased prices on everyday items, according to an Emerson College poll last month.

  • Forty percent report significant hardship, and another 43% report some hardship.
  • Polling has consistently shown that Americans are ready to punish Biden and the Democrats for inflation in the upcoming midterm elections.


Some analysts have expressed hope that inflation is near a peak, noting:

  • Gas prices have ticked down slightly since March 1.
  • With federal stimulus aid having expired, consumers may buy fewer goods, like cars and appliances, easing pressure on overstretched supply chains.
  • The Federal Reserve has signaled more interest rate hikes are coming.

OK, BUT: Wages have gone up sharply, though not as fast as inflation, which could push employers to raise their prices.

  • Housing has continued to get more expensive.
  • A coronavirus outbreak in China has led to brutal lockdowns and economic disruptions.
  • The war in Ukraine has added to uncertainty about commodity prices and supply chains.

“The big run-up in gas and food and home prices has really caused great hardship for many households,” Richard Curtin, a veteran economist who runs the University of Michigan consumer survey, told Politico last week.

  • “And the Biden administration made a critical error in saying it would be transient and people should just tough it out. It wasn’t transient. A lot of people couldn’t just tough it out. And it caused a big loss of confidence in [Biden’s] policies.”