What’s Happening to Biden in California Should Have Democrats Extremely Concerned

President Biden’s approval ratings in deep-blue California have plummeted 14 points in just one year, according to a new poll.


When you’ve lost California, it’s time to start panicking.


The Public Policy Institute of California poll released Thursday found that Biden’s approval ratings among likely voters in the Golden State are underwater by 5 percentage points.

51% of voters disapprove of the job the president is doing, compared to 46% who approve.

  • A PPIC poll released in March of last year found that 60% of likely voters approved of Biden.
  • Meanwhile, independent voters’ attitudes toward Biden have dipped by 19 points, from 60% approval last year to 41% in the latest poll.
  • In the 2020 presidential election, Biden won California by 20 points.


Democratic politicians and strategists have been freaking out about a potential blowout for their party in the 2020 midterms since at least November 2021, when the GOP notched surprise victories in Virginia and elsewhere.

  • A Gallup poll released in January contained even more depressing news: over the course of last year, U.S. adults went from identifying with the Democrats by 9 points to identifying with the GOP by 5 points.
  • The shift in party affiliation was the biggest in one calendar year for Gallup’s 30 years of tracking.
  • And it coincided with Biden’s plummeting approval ratings: the less popular the president became, the more steam Republicans gained.

The bottom line: It looks like Biden is sinking to new depths in the polls, and he’s taking his party with him.