Who’s Having the Worst Day on Twitter: It’s the Democracy, Stupid


NICHOLS: The media pundit and erstwhile Lincoln Project adviser was roundly criticized for chastising workers concerned about rising costs and lamenting that Americans aren’t more worried about shadowy threats to democracy.

COOK: The progressive writer went viral for dismissing conservatives who criticized the city of San Francisco’s million-dollar plan to build a single public toilet. California’s Democratic governor, Gavin Newsom, said over the weekend the state would be withholding funding from the city until “San Francisco delivers a plan to use this public money more efficiently.”

TAPPER: During a segment on Friday, the CNN host wondered aloud why there hadn’t been a national discussion about the negative impact pandemic-era school closures had on kids. A slew of critics urged Tapper to get out of his bubble, noting that networks like Fox News had been reporting on the issue for some time.