Who’s Having the Worst Day on Twitter: Remember the Children Edition

Teachers’ union boss Randi Weingarten, journalist David Leavitt and economist Noah Smith are all having bad days.

  • But who’s having the worst day on Twitter?


WEINGARTEN: The president of the American Federation of Teachers was accused of grandstanding with her latest show of solidarity for the people of Ukraine, whom she visited on invitation of a Ukrainian teachers’ union. Critics suggested Weingarten should direct some of her enthusiasm for the plight of Ukrainian children toward the U.S.

LEAVITT: The independent journalist, who once contacted police after a Target manager refused to sell him a toothbrush at a mislabeled price, found himself in the limelight for calling Child Protective Services on Virginia state senate candidate Tina Ramirez for teaching her child insufficiently woke history about Italian explorer Christopher Columbus.

SMITH: The neoliberal economist and blogger got the bad kind of internet attention for advancing the “fiery but mostly peaceful” narrative about the summer 2020 riots.