Who’s Having the Worst Day on Twitter: Tiny Heads Edition

Pennsylvania senate candidate John Fetterman, New Orleans Saints quarterback Andy Dalton and New York City are all having bad days.

  • But who’s having the worst day on Twitter?


FETTERMAN: Social media commenters unleashed a torrent of memes mocking the Pennsylvania lieutenant governor’s head-to-body ratio in response to a photo of Fetterman wearing a suit while appearing with President Joe Biden in Pittsburgh.

DALTON: The journeyman quarterback became a meme Thursday night when TV cameras captured his reaction after throwing the first of three interceptions during the Saints’ 34-42 loss to the Arizona Cardinals.

NEW YORK CITY: Big Apple’s new makeshift shelter for illegal immigrants on Randall’s Island, stocked with everything from Xboxes to “culturally appropriate” meals, raised eyebrows among critics.